Award-winning director Penny Lane is working on a documentary about Flaco the Owl - and the filmmakers need your help!

  • Do you have any videos/photos of Flaco or people interacting with him?

  • We may want to include it in our film. Creators of all clips used will receive an onscreen credit and a licensing fee.

  • Or, did you have a personal encounter with Flaco, even if it wasn’t captured on camera? Did he mean something special to you? We want to hear from you if so.

  • Flaco's journey captured the hearts of so many New Yorkers. Together with Sandbox Films and HBO Documentary Films, we are now bringing his story to the world - and you can help us do so.

Use the following form to submit your videos/photos and/or stories.



  • Flaco was a male Eurasian eagle-owl who was released from his enclosure at the Central Park Zoo in February 2023. He survived for about one year in Manhattan before passing away in February 2024.

  • No! We’re interested in gathering as much of Flaco as possible from real people who encountered him. If the photo is out-of-focus or shaky, if there’s a finger in the frame, we’re still interested.

  • If the material you submit makes the final cut, you’ll receive an all-in $500 licensing fee and we’ll add your name to the film credits.

    If the material you submit makes the final cut, you’ll receive an all-in $500 licensing fee and we’ll add your name to the film credits. And you will remain the legal owner of your own material - we are only interested in licensing the usage in conjunction with this particular film and nothing else.

  • The film is on track to be completed in early 2026. We’ll plan to keep everyone who participates in this open call updated with news about the film’s premiere!

  • Yes - while we won't be able to offer you compensation for your materials, if you want to submit something to us but prefer to not be identified, you can use the regular submission portal but submit your materials using the name "Anonymous Anonymous" and the email address “contact(at)”

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